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Library Corner
Small Business Growth Mastery
By reading this e-Book, you will gain an understanding of the skills required to run a small business, small business and its networking, and how to set up a small business start-up. What are the most common mistakes made in small businesses, what actions should you take in your business, how to own a small business, and so on?
A Beginner’s Guide to Financial Development in Business Growth
When starting a business, you must have a business plan, which you can learn about by reading this e-Book. A business plan must include how you intend to finance your venture, how much capital you will need, and your goals. A written plan will help you focus your efforts and stay on track with your business.
Upcoming e-Book
Social Media Advertising Guide
The Social Media Advertising Guide will help you understand the various social media platforms and their applications. Essentially, this e-book will show you how to use these platforms effectively and what areas to focus on for business success.
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